More About Me
I am a first-generation American born, child of Croatian immigrants. Growing up I was raised with the values of my heritage in a very American suburban town. My parents hailed from farming villages where neighbors are your cousins and villages were named after the family that rooted there. My mother’s village was so small that I could walk the entire perimeter in less than a day, which was my favorite activity there. I have such happy memories visiting all the elderly neighbors, following them around as they tended to their animals and gardens. I took so many pictures of the scenery that my mother would complain we had no photos of family. I’m smiling just thinking of it.
What could she do though? Her daughter was always – and still is – a lover of animals and nature. Currently I have 3 cats, 2 dogs and 3 horses. If I could, I would have more animals, but my husband and I have reached our limit in our humble abode. It’s okay though. We love the fur family we have and would not trade them in for the world.
Animals were my first inspiration to writing. The first story I ever completed was about a lonely unicorn that found her way to a lonely young girl and together they saved all the unicorns. I was in middle school when I wrote that one. The second story I completed was about a teenage girl who saved an abused horse, and they went on to do amazing things together, overcoming all odds. I wrote that one in high school. Neither of these are published; they live in journals buried deep in my closet.
I still write in journals. Most of my stories start there. I scribble, plot and plan in notebooks before typing out a story. I have storage containers full of half-written stories, ideas jotted down, and story plots planned out. I even like to purchase themed journals to pair with the idea that will live in them. I guess you could say I’m a journal addict – and you would not be wrong.
Unfortunately, I’m also a chocolate addict, but perhaps I should not write about that here. Lol. I will say that I am a foodie. Luckily, I married a man who loves to cook, and I love to eat. We are a match made in heaven. We met in 2008 and have been inseparable ever since. I cannot imagine my life without him, nor without his family. I am blessed to have a close relationship with my mother-in-law, who is also best friends with my mom. My sister-in-law is like a sister to me, and my brother-in-law is my “Virgo bro”. I am truly blessed.
At times, when I’m at my lowest, it’s family and faith that get me through. I am a very spiritual person – raised Roman Catholic. Though I am a Christian, I value all faiths and beliefs. My husband and I believe that all religions and persons have value and are loved by God. It is what is in the heart of a person that matters most.
So, from my heart to yours, thank you for taking the time to get to know me and for supporting my writing. If you have any questions, or would simply like to reach out, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I hope to hear from you soon.